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Boards and Wards (Boards and Wards Series)

Medical students and interns have no time to waste preparing for clinical rotations and the USMLE Steps 2 and 3. That’s where Boards and Wards for USMLE Steps 2 & 3 comes in! Written in a high-yield outline format, it provides broad coverage of all the major fields of medicine tested on the

Facial Plastic Surgery in McAllen, TX

Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards (Boards and Wards Series)

Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards, Fifth Edition offers the information most tested on the USMLE Step 1 in a systematic, outline manner. This essential guide eases the transition from classroom to wards and works well as a companion on rotations, covering the information you need to master your clerkships in a concise, handy pocket reference. The book includes clinical cases with board-formatted questions and answers. Numerous tables, illustrations, and “buzzwords” aid in retention of facts.

Facial Plastic Surgery in McAllen, TX

Pharmacology for the Boards and Wards (Boards and Wards Series)

'Pharmacology for the Boards and Wards, Second Edition organizes the mass of information you need to know to succeed! Organized by drug groups and written in easy-to-follow outline format, this review book provides you with a clear and logical summary of the material most frequently tested on the USMLE. The book includes review questions and answers with detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers. Numerous tables, illustrations, and “buzzwords” aid in retention of facts. Pharmacology for the Boards and Wards, Second Edition is perfect for medical students. Physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and related health professionals will also find Boards and Wards valuable.

Facial Plastic Surgery in McAllen, TX

Dermatology for the Boards and Wards(Boards and Wards Series)

The most concise, informative, and illustrated dermatology review book on the market, Dermatology for the Boards and Wards provides color photos illustrating the most frequently tested diseases found on the USMLE—From Horses to Zebras! This clinically relevant text guides the reader toward consistent and successful pattern recognition.

Facial Plastic Surgery in McAllen, TX

Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology for the Boards and Wards (Boards and Wards Series)

The only review book of its kind on the market, Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology for the Boards and Wards is a concise and focused summary of the most common conditions found on the USMLE and on the wards!

Microbiology and Immunology for the Boards and Wards (Boards and Wards Series)

Ace your microbiology and immunology courses and maximize your USMLE Step 1 score with Microbiology and Immunology for the Boards and Wards. An easy-to-follow outline format, a clear and logical summary of the most frequently tested material, and tons of bolded “buzz words” for rapid review make this book essential to you.

Facial Plastic Surgery in McAllen, TX

Behavioral Sciences and Outpatient Medicine for the Boards and Wards (Boards and Wards Series)

The most concise and focused behavioral science review books on the market, Behavioral Sciences and Outpatient Medicine for the Boards and Wards provides a clear and logical summary of the most frequently tested material found on the USMLE—From Horses to Zebras! Behavioral Sciences and Outpatient Medicine for the Boards and Wards is perfect for medical students. Physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and related health professionals will also find Boards and Wards valuable.

Facial Plastic Surgery in McAllen, TX